A guide for using our resources

Children will sequence the steps of creating a jack-o’-lantern.

Science Focus: plant parts, plant life cycles

CCSS (and states that have similar standards):  RI.1.1, L.1.2.B, RF.1.2.A, RI.1.3, RL.1.1

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Punctuation Hunt: Question Marks

  • Work together to find and circle every question mark in the issue. How many can you find?

Paired Text: Pumpkin Town! by Katie McKy

  • Jose’s family grows pumpkins. One day, a strong wind blows the leftover seeds to a distant town. . . and they take root everywhere.
  • What happens next will delight children, as well as teach them the basics of the pumpkin life cycle!

Hands-On Activity: Paper Pumpkins

Skill: fine motor skills, following directions

Materials: orange construction paper, green construction paper, scissors, black marker, stapler or glue

  • For each pumpkin, cut a sheet of orange construction paper into four strips (each strip should be 8 1/2 inches long). Layer the strips on top of one another and then fan them out until they form an asterisk shape. Staple the strips in the middle to keep them in place.
  • Strip by strip, fold all the pieces toward the top, curving the upper ends in so that they meet in the middle. Glue or staple the top ends together.
  • Cut out a green rectangle for the stem and attach it to the top using a stapler or glue. Fold it so it sticks up. You can also draw a face if you want to make a jack-o’-lantern!